Thursday, October 11, 2012

Los Altos Elections - Why the Secrecy?

For those of you following closely, the Los Altos School District is now in another lawsuit over the 2012-13 school year facility offer. This is due to the fact that BCS thinks that they are entitled to displace a high-performing public elementary school with their own semi-private school (which lacks ELL, special needs kids, free and reduced hot lunch, has a geographic preference of the Los Altos Hills -  all while charging a "donation" of $5,000 per student).

With the voting season upon us, we wanted to provide a timely update...

LASDVoices advocates transparency in government and, today, we both received a candidate mailer that was misleading.

Amanda Burke-Aaronson, candidate for Los Altos School Board, is purposely not disclosing that her children attend
Bullis Charter School. She has not spoken of her association with BCS in her candidate statement, website, Facebook page, mailer and in candidate forums.  Given that BCS has filed numerous legal actions against the Los Altos School District (and BCS recently asked for  LASD to pay $1.3 Million in attorney fees) her association with BCS is extremely important.

Why the secret?

For someone seeking election to the Board of Trustees, she is withholding key information from voters.  Is this the same way that she would conduct herself on the LASD school board?

Please help get the message out that Ms. Burke-Aronson is not being forthcoming about her Bullis Charter School association.

We need honest and open leadership in our community especially at this critical juncture in our community.  We need people who will work together openly and transparently.  For that reason, LASDVoices supports the following candidates for Los Altos School Board, Los Altos City Council, and the Santa Clara County Board of Education. 

Los Altos School Board

  - Steve Taglio
  - Pablo Luther

Los Altos City Council
  - Jeannie Bruins
  - Jan Pepper
  - Jerry Sorensen

Santa Clara County Board of Education
  - Dave Cortright
The upcoming election is extremely important and we urge everyone to vote!

Thank you for your continued support,

Michelle and Molly